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Programming team photo

Members, from left:

(Click on the names to view their bios)

Row 1:Alex

Row 2:Nate, Evan, Jack, Kaitlin

Our Task:

The programming sub-team is devoted to developing the code used to control the robot during both the autonomous and controlled periods of the game.  This includes designing, writing, testing, and debugging the many lines of C code necessary to complete the many complex tasks required of the robot.  The programming is done mostly using Microchip's MPLAB software, and, as of 2006, Intelitek's EasyC software.  Generally, this involves getting input from the joysticks and other control mechanisms and turning that into PWM signals for the various motors.  Usually there is also an input device, like the CMUCam.  This is another intricate task that has to be taken care of, because capturing images, panning, and tilting is difficult enough.  When you add in very complex  processes such as object recognition, things get complicated quickly. 

The programming sub-team also needs to make sure they have a clear strategy.  One thing that can be done is writing many different programs, so that different strategies can be used to keep the competition guessing.  Members use math, logic, and critical thinking skills to keep the robot running and on task, doing what it was meant to do.  Programming is obviously vital during all parts of the competition, but it is especially essential during autonomous mode because there are no human controllers to rely on.  Without code the robot cannot function. 

Member Bios




Grade: 11
Number of years on the team: 3
Likes: I enjoy science, programming, computer games, and a good book.
What I hope to learn: I would like to learn more about how our robot is constructed and how each component functions, to widen my knowledge of the mechanical aspects (as I am a programmer, I am focused on the code the majority of the time).




Copyright (c) 2007 Team 578 Fairport New York