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Members, from left:

(Click the names to view their bios)

Row 1: David, Dan, Geni

Row 2: Alex, Mike

Our Task:

Media Team designs and constructs the team's website. We are also responsible for taking various videos and pictures of competitions, team activities and build season. With these pictures and videos we create videos of the team.


2006-Boston Regional website award winner

2007- Website excellence award

2008- Boston Regional website award winner




Member Bios:

Grade: 11
Years on the team: 1
Likes: Video games, especially halo 3, I also like world of warcraft and guitar Hero. 
Ii'm a big skiing and snowboarding fan. I also watch a lot of anime, because my
stepmom teaches a class on it at RIT.
What I would Like to learn: Better ways to build a website, more information on how code works, and more about subteams

Grade: 10
Years on the team: 2
Likes: PC games, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Stumbleupon, Free Stuff, ROBOTICS!!!!
Dislikes: Not Free Stuff, Television, not getting enough sleep.
I would like to learn: How to implement new designs into robots and create innovative ways to win each year's game.


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Number of years on team:3
Likes: Pandas, Programming, Scooter, Gnomes, Bobobo-bobo-bobobo, Counter Strike Source surf maps, Blue, Biking when it is nice outside.
Dislikes: Loud people, Bad Grades. Pie, Fish, and Homework
What I learned: I miss being on the programming team.
Grade: 10
Years on the team: 2
Likes: Gymnastics, my i-pod, drawing, web designing, hanging out with my friends, dancing and being crazy/loud! Dislikes: Problems, Clicks, akward moments
What I would like to learn: More about the other sub teams offered on the team such as drive train
and electronics

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Grade: 11
Years on the team: 1

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Copyright (c) 2007 Team 578 Fairport New York