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This Year's Game (2011)

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FIRST Robotics Competition:

The FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) is a program targeted more towards high schoolers. Every year, a task is given world wide at a Kickoff Event where teams are told what the objective is to complete. Afterwards, the teams have six weeks to build the robot that can drive on preprogrammed instuctions for 15 seconds and then is able to be driven by the team with controllers for two minutes. Alliances at the competition usually consist of 3 teams. Alliances are chosen at random for each match.

Cick here for more information on this year's (2011) game, Logomotion

This is a link that will show the video of the competition's task that was seen at the Kickoff. It will explain more in detail about the game itself.


Click on the image below to learn more about FRC