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Team Goals: Below is a chart on what our team hopes to achieve in the next 3 years. Below the chart is a description of all the goals within this chart. Fundraising: Fundraising is an important part of team. With a team so large it is important that all of the members pitch in to help on the several Fundraising activities that we currently have. Chalkraiders: For several years now we have done a fundraiser event called Chalkraiders. In our commuinity we go around spraying our school disrict's logo (A Fairport Raider) on driveways with red chalk that lasts about 8 months. It has been one of our biggest and most popular fundraising events. Not only does it support our school district and the Robotics team, but it is something that the community knows us for. We have sprayed hundreds of chalkraiders in the past several years. In the future we hope to continue this tradition! We also hold can drives during the Super Bowl and after Graduation to raise additional money. This year, we are beginning two new fundraising events. We hope to start one at a local festival called Canal Days, which is a netbook raffle. The other is an eBay auction fundraiser. Both of these will be run this spring. Schools: Within our schools, we are working to spread the word of FIRST! To do this we will continue to do numerous demos, posters, announcements, spirit days, advertisments in school newspapers and our two engineering clubs at two different elementary schools. In the future, we hope to add to our list of school events by giving various teachers awards that we feel made a difference in student's lives, particually those in science and technology. We also hope to do more mentoring in our Lego league club and start another engineering club at a third elementary school within our district. Within a few years we hope to have started one at all three elementary schools. Another goal of ours is to invite the engineering club kids and their families to the Regionals so they can feel what a competition feels like, to encourage them to stay interested in engineering and science, so they will continue on to be a part of our team when they enter high school. By May of 2012 we hope to have formed enough interest to form a FIRST lego league at our second Middle school.