In School
In the Community |
In School:
We do our best to encourage our fellow peers to pursue math, science, and technology courses. Our outreach is not limited to just the two schools we draw from, but the entire district.
We have encouraged technical careers in the following ways:
Engineering Club for grades 3-5 at Brooks Hill Elementary School and Northside Elementary School
Lego League team at the two middles schools in Fairport Central School District: Martha Brown and Johanna Perrin
- The Johanna Perrin Lego League team won the Edison Tech event in 2010 at the University of Rochester.
05/07/08 Day - a demo at Fairport High School to show students and teachers who we are
Engineering Careers Night - bring in local engineers to FHS to talk to students about careers in engineering and their education
- E3 Fair - a local science fair / LEGO competition, where we set up a booth about FIRST and showed off our robot.
We have promoted and increased awareness of our team and FIRST in the following ways:
Marching in our School's Homecoming parade
Participating in the RAID (Rochester Against Intoxicated Driving) Walk
Sprayed chalk raiders (our school mascot) on driveways for homecoming and graduation
- Aired a video about our team on morning announcements and local cable station FACT 12 prior to the Finger Lakes Regional