Welcome to Fairport Robotics!

2024 Fairport Robotics – Fall BBQ Fundraiser Dinner

When:  Thursday, October 3, 2024 from 3:30 -6:30pm

Where:  Fairport High School, Front Bus Loop

Chiavettas Chicken Dinners served by Fairport Robotics!
Includes 1/2 chicken, mac salad, side salad, roll and butter

Pre-sale ticket cost $15/dinner
Drive up ticket cost $17/dinner

*** Someone from the team will contact you to provide tickets and collect payment ***

Orders can be place from the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/9Lf2T11a4W

Welcome to the official website of Team 578, Fairport Robotics! Our team consists of student members, alumni apprentice-mentors, and parent/professional mentors all working together to build robots, compete with other teams, and promote FIRST® in and beyond our community. For more information about our history, be sure to check out the “About Us” tab above, or by clicking here.

What is FIRST®?

The FIRST® foundation declares its mission “… to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.”

FIRST® offers four robotics programs for different grade-levels and age ranges. Within the Fairport Central School District, we currently have 6 FIRST® LEGO League teams at the middle-school level (Team 21005, Team 13649, Team 2070, Team 39727, Team 43555, and Team 2048), and one FIRST® Robotics Competition team at the high-school level (Team 578).

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For more information about FIRST®, click here.

Our Robots:

As a team with 22 years of experience and counting, our family of robots continues to grow and change. From “Toroid Terror,” all the way back in 1997, to the present “Destination: Deep Space” game of 2019, each year’s respective robots have left a mark on the history of R³.

Click here to learn more about each of our robots!

Our Mission:

We recognize the importance of young minds in the future of science and technology, and it’s our goal to help enable students of all ages to get involved in their communities and express their creativity.

All throughout the year, we volunteer our time to helping local organizations with various events such as the Seneca Park Zoo’s annual “ZooBoo” and the Fairport Senior High School’s Homecoming, plus many more.

Our members also volunteer to help out with our district’s various LEGO League teams throughout the year to help them progress in throughout their respective build seasons.

To learn more about our mission as a team, click here.